
Digital Kit Aids

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The Kit Digital grants are an initiative of the Spanish Government aimed at subsidizing the digitalization of small companies, micro-enterprises and self-employed workers belonging to any sector or type of business.

Who are the Kit Digital grants aimed at?

To small companies, micro-enterprises and self-employed workers who want to digitalize processes. As well as companies that develop digitizing solutions for companies and that, therefore, can offer their product as a digital solution to other companies acting as technology suppliers.

How to obtain the Kit Digital grants

If you want to access solutions to digitize your company: You must obtain the Digital Kit Bonus. The amount of the bonus will depend on the size of your company. You can spend the voucher on one or more solutions, however, there is a maximum eligible amount you can spend for each digitization category depending on the segment your company belongs to. Here are the details:

Aids Digital Kit Complete Guide

What type of services can be subsidized with the Digitizer Kit grants?

  1. Website and internet presence
  2. E-commerce
  3. Social Media Management
  4. Customer management
  5. Business Intelligence and Analytics
  6. Process management
  7. Electronic Invoice
  8. Services and Virtual Office
  9. Secure communications
  10. Cybersecurity

What are the requirements to make use of the digital voucher?

  • Be a small business, microenterprise or self-employed.
  • Not being considered a company in difficulty (see Annex I of Regulation (EU) No. 651/2014 art. 2.18).
  • Be up to date with tax and Social Security obligations.
  • Not be subject to an outstanding recovery order from the European Commission that has declared an aid illegal and incompatible with the common market.
  • Not to incur in any of the prohibitions foreseen in Article 13.2 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, 2003, General Law on Subsidies.
  • Not to exceed the de minimis (small amount) aid limit. (Minimal aid limit: 200k). (If they are companies engaged in road transport: 100k).

How to obtain the digital voucher?

  • Register at www.acelerapyme.es and complete the digital diagnostic test provided by the same platform.
  • Choose one or more of the solutions offered in the catalog. (The catalog is available on the Acelera pyme platform).
  • Request the Kit Digital help at the Red.es electronic headquarters (sede.red.Gob.es).

How is the digital bonus applied?

  • Access the catalog of digitizing agents and decide with whom you want to develop your digital solution.
  • Get in touch with the Digitalizing Agents, sign the digital solutions delivery agreement and start your digital change.

The program will open in 3 segments:

  • Segment 1

SMEs between 10 – 49 employees. (Open on 03/15/2022).

  • Segment 2

Small or micro enterprises between 10 – 3 employees.

  • Segment 3

Microenterprises with less than 3 employees and self-employed persons.

Opening dates for Segments 2 and 3 have not yet been announced but it is anticipated that Segment 2 will open between June and July and Segment 3 between September and October.

Explanatory table

Aids Kit Digital Guide Complete explanatory chart

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