

Tips to optimize the conversion rate and minimize friction between the client and your digital asset. Learn how to simplify the purchase process as much as possible and get it flowing in the best possible way.

consultor cro

Maximizing Conversions: Strategies with a CRO Consultant

Discover how a CRO consultant can transform your digital business. Our focus is on optimizing the conversion rate to boost your sales and improve the user experience. Learn the latest trends and customized techniques that guarantee measurable and sustainable results. With our expert guidance, you’ll take your digital strategy to the next level.

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Ayudas Kit Digital Guía Completa portada

Digital Kit Aids

The Kit Digital grants are an initiative of the Spanish Government aimed at subsidizing the digitalization of small companies, micro-enterprises and self-employed workers belonging to

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marketing growth

Growth Marketing: what is it and what are its benefits?

In today’s saturated environment, it can be difficult for any company to stand out on the Internet.

To break through the noise, it is increasingly important to have a marketing strategy that is creative, iterative and compelling. A strategy that not only helps with customer acquisition, but also automates lead flow, word of mouth and organic growth.

This way of building a loyal customer base has a name: Growth Marketing.

In this article we explain some of the most important aspects of what Growth Marketing involves.

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auditoria web usabilidad

How to do a web usability audit?

A user experience web audit (UX Audit) is a way to identify problem areas in a digital product, revealing which parts of a website or application are causing headaches for users and hindering conversions.

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¿En qué te podemos ayudar?

Si necesitas especialistas para desarrollar o mejorar tu negocio digital, podemos ayudarte. Rellena el formulario y te responderemos en menos de 24h.

How can we help you?

If you need specialists to develop or improve your digital business, we can help you. Fill out the form and we will respond within 24 hours.