Click Through

Maximizing Click Through: Proven Strategies

Discover in this article advanced techniques to increase click through in your digital campaigns. Learn how to optimize your ads, improve the relevance of your content and use data analytics to attract and convert more audience. We provide you with practical advice based on real case studies and current digital marketing trends. Turn your clicks into customers today!

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"que es un banner

What is a banner: keys to understand its power in advertising

Did you know that banner ads are one of the oldest and most effective tools of Internet advertising? In this article, we explore what a banner is, its different types and how they can significantly impact your digital marketing strategy. You will learn how to design attractive and effective banners that not only attract attention, but also drive engagement and conversions. Dive into the art of visual advertising with us and transform your online campaigns.

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Bumper Ads

Bumper Ads: What They Are, How to Create Them and Maximize Their Impact in Digital Advertising

This article is a comprehensive guide to Bumper Ads, a short but powerful digital advertising tool. Bumper Ads are short video ads, usually 6 seconds, designed to capture the viewer’s attention quickly and efficiently. We explore what Bumper Ads are, how they differ from other advertising formats and why they are an effective option for reaching audiences in the digital age. We guide you step by step through the process of creating these ads, from conceptualization to production and implementation. In addition, we offer tips on how to maximize your impact, including strategies for telling creative and memorable stories in a time-limited format. This article is essential for marketers and advertisers looking to leverage Bumper Ads to improve engagement, increase brand recall and get effective results from their digital campaigns.

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ROAS in digital marketing

“Discover what ROAS is in the world of digital marketing and why it is crucial to your strategy. Learn how to calculate Return on Ad Spend and how this metric can optimize your campaigns. This article will guide you through the basics of ROAS, offering valuable insights to maximize your online advertising investments.

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Ayudas Kit Digital Guía Completa portada

Digital Kit Aids

The Kit Digital grants are an initiative of the Spanish Government aimed at subsidizing the digitalization of small companies, micro-enterprises and self-employed workers belonging to

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