Local SEO Consultant What is it and why is it vital for your business?

Discover how a local SEO consultant can transform the visibility of your business in your area and why they are key to your online success.
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The digital world has become the new business showcase. If before it was essential to have the best location on the main street of your city, now it is essential to be in the top positions of Google. But how do you manage to stand out among so many online companies? This is where the role of the local SEO consultant comes into play.

What is a local SEO consultant?

Imagine a guide who knows every corner of your city. This guide knows where people go, what they like and, above all, how to bring them to your business. Well, a local SEO consultant does something similar, but in the vast world of the Internet. It specializes in SEO, but with a specific geographic focus: your area or region. Its mission is that when someone searches for services or products that you offer, but in a localized way, for example, “hairdresser in Madrid”, your business will be one of the first to appear.

Why is it vital for your business?

We live in an era where online searches have become localized. Thanks to the geolocation of smartphones and other devices, Google can offer specific results based on the user’s location. Therefore, if your business has a physical location or provides services in a certain area, local SEO is crucial.

Optimizing for local search means that you will attract customers who are actually looking for what you offer and, most importantly, in your area! It’s like having an illuminated sign at the entrance of your city, but digital. In addition, consider that local searches tend to have a higher purchase intent. In other words, those who search for services or products in a localized way are more willing to make a purchase or contract.

The importance of local SEO

In today’s digital age, consumer behavior has evolved. It is no longer simply a matter of searching for a product or service online; now the search is for it to be accessible, close and reliable. This is where local SEO comes in. In simple terms, local SEO focuses on optimizing a website to be visible in specifically localized searches. Why is this crucial? Imagine you have a pizzeria in Valencia. If someone searches for “pizzerias near me” or “pizzerias in Valencia”, you want to be one of the first results that Google shows. Not only does it increase the visibility of your business, but it also captures an audience that has a clear and local intention to buy.

But what does the data tell us about the real power of local SEO?

Statistics demonstrating the power of local SEO

  1. Searches with local intent: According to several studies, approximately 46% of all Google searches have a local intent. In other words, almost half of the people searching on Google want results close to their location.
  2. Local search conversion: Local searches drive 50% of mobile visitors to visit physical stores in a day. These statistics indicate that local searches are not only frequent, but also have a high conversion power.
  3. Near me” searches: Searches that include “near me” or “where to buy” have increased significantly in recent years, evidencing users’ preference for local options.
  4. Trust in local reviews: Approximately 88% of consumers trust both online reviews and personal recommendations. It is essential to keep in mind the importance of local reviews and how they affect local SEO.
  5. Google My Business: 68% of users claim to have used the “how to get there” or “call” option in a Google My Business listing, which shows the importance of having this profile optimized for local businesses.

These figures are tangible proof that local SEO is not a passing trend, but an essential strategy for any business that wants to have presence and relevance in its local area. To ignore it is to miss a golden opportunity to approach an audience willing to interact and buy.

Differences between general SEO and local SEO

Entering the world of SEO can be a real jungle for many. Among so many terms and techniques, it is easy to get lost. Two concepts that often generate confusion are general SEO and local SEO. Although at first glance they may appear similar, their objectives and techniques vary significantly. Let’s take a look at their main differences.

Target Audience

  • General SEO: Its main focus is to reach a broad and often global audience. When a brand or company wants to be known in different parts of the world or throughout Spain, general SEO is its best ally. It is perfect for online businesses that sell products nationwide or even internationally.
  • Local SEO: Here, the game changes. The objective is to target a specific audience in a specific city or region. For example, if you have a coffee shop in Seville, you would be interested in attracting people who live in or visit Seville. Local SEO focuses on that nearby audience that can become a physical customer of your business.

2. Types of keywords

  • General SEO: Keywords tend to be broader and generic. For example: “best coffee makers”, “vintage clothes”, “sneakers”.
  • Local SEO: Keywords incorporate geographic elements to attract searches specific to an area. Examples could be: “coffee shops in Seville”, “vintage clothing stores in Barcelona”, “sneakers in Malaga”.

3. Geographic relevance

  • General SEO: Geolocation is not a priority. Optimization focuses on providing quality, linked content and a good user experience for anyone, regardless of where they are located.
  • Local SEO: Geolocation is king. Here, details such as company address, local phone number and customer reviews in that area are vital. Tools such as Google My Business become essential, and emphasis is placed on appearing on local maps and directories.


To summarize, while general SEO seeks to echo in the vast online ocean, local SEO aims to be the loudest cry in a specific neighborhood. Both are important, but your choice will depend on the nature and objectives of your business.

Main tasks of a local SEO consultant

Local SEO is a world unto itself, full of specific strategies and techniques aimed at boosting the visibility of a business in its geographic area. A local SEO consultant is that specialist who knows this scenario in detail and is prepared to take your business to the next level in geolocated searches. But what exactly are the tasks it performs? Let’s see.

Local market analysis

Before embarking on any strategy, it is essential to know the terrain. Local SEO consultant studies:

  • Competition: Identify who are your main competitors in the area, what techniques they use and how they position themselves online.
  • Demand: Analyzes the search trends of users in that area, identifying what they search for, how and when.
  • Opportunities: Based on this analysis, determine areas of opportunity to outperform the competition and attract more customers.

2. Google My Business Optimization

This tool is essential in local SEO. Here, the consultant is in charge of:

  • Configuration: Make sure your business is correctly registered and verified in Google My Business.
  • Up-to-date information: From the address to the opening hours, everything must be up to date so that potential customers do not encounter barriers.
  • Photos and videos: A visually appealing profile can be the deciding factor for a user to choose your business.
  • Respond to reviews: Both positive and negative. Active interaction shows commitment and professionalism.

3. Creation of localized content

Content is king, and in local SEO, it must be tailored to the target audience in the area.

  • Blog: Articles about local events, traditions or any topic relevant to the community can rank very well and attract local traffic.
  • Landing pages: Designed specifically for services in certain areas or cities.
  • Multimedia: Videos or infographics related to the local environment can be very effective for engagement.

4. Local link building (link-building)

Having quality links pointing to your site is essential. In local SEO, these links should preferably be from local sources.

  • Local directories: Ensure that the business is registered in relevant local directories.
  • Collaborations: Work with other local businesses or blogs to get mentions and links.
  • Events and sponsorships: Participating in or sponsoring local events can generate links from community websites.

Having a local SEO consultant is an investment in the visibility and reputation of your business in your area of influence. In a world where online presence is essential, having someone who knows the local scene can be the differentiator that sets you apart from your competition.

Essential tools for a local SEO consultant

In the digital era, having the right tools can make the difference between a successful project and one that falls flat. For a local SEO consultant, these tools are not a luxury, but a necessity. Let’s see which ones are essential in your arsenal.

Local keyword research tools

Keywords are the cornerstone of SEO. For the local level, it is essential to find terms that reflect the specific searches of the region.

  • Google Keyword Planner: This is a free tool from Google that offers keyword ideas based on related terms, showing search volume and competition.
  • SEMrush: This platform allows keyword research and offers an option to focus on specific locations, providing detailed data on the most searched terms in an area.
  • Ahrefs: Similar to SEMrush, it is a powerful tool that also offers options for local keyword analysis.

2. Competitor analysis tools

Knowing what your competition is doing is essential to design effective strategies.

  • Moz Local: Allows you to see how your business is performing compared to other locations. Provides analysis on local visibility, reviews and other key factors.
  • SpyFu: This tool is ideal for seeing what keywords your competitors are using, how they are structuring their advertising campaigns and more.
  • SE Ranking: Provides a detailed analysis of the competition, including their backlinks, ads and content strategies.

3. Review and testimonial management platforms

Reviews and testimonials are crucial in local SEO, as they directly affect public perception and trust.

  • Google My Business: Although we have already mentioned it above, we cannot fail to highlight its importance in the management and response to reviews.
  • Trustpilot: A popular platform that allows businesses to collect and manage reviews, as well as interact with their customers.
  • Yotpo: Not only does it facilitate the collection of reviews and testimonials, but it also integrates functions to share them on social networks or incorporate them into the web.

These tools are just the tip of the iceberg, but they certainly provide a solid foundation for any local SEO consultant. By mastering them and combining them properly, you can achieve amazing results and establish a business at the top of local online searches.

Steps to choosing the ideal local SEO consultant

Local SEO has become an indispensable tool for any business that wants to stand out in its geographic area. But with so many experts offering their services, how do you know which one is right for you? Here is a guide to help you make an informed decision.

1. What to look for in a local SEO consultant?

  • Demonstrable experience: It is not enough to claim to be an expert; a good local SEO consultant will have success stories to show. Ask for concrete examples of previous work and results obtained.
  • Local knowledge: Make sure he/she is familiar with your geographic area and knows the particularities and trends of the local audience.
  • Continuous training: The world of SEO is constantly evolving. Look for someone who is up to date with the latest trends and updates.
  • Good communication: It should be someone you feel comfortable working with, who listens to your concerns and communicates in a clear and transparent manner.

2. Key questions to ask when hiring

  • How do you determine the keywords for a local SEO campaign? This question will give you an idea of how you approach keyword research and analysis.
  • What strategies do you use for local link-building? Links are vital in SEO. Knowing how you plan to build these links will give you an idea of your overall strategy.
  • Do you have experience in my industry? Each industry has its own peculiarities. Ideally, your SEO consultant should have experience in your specific field.
  • How do you measure the success of a campaign? You need to know what KPIs (key performance indicators) it uses and how it will report on progress and results.

3. Avoiding “red flags

  • Promises too good to be true: If they guarantee you the first place in Google in record time, be wary. SEO is a process that takes time and effort.
  • Black-hat techniques: Ask openly about their techniques. If they mention practices that Google disapproves of, such as the use of link farms, it is best to stay away.
  • Lack of transparency: A good SEO consultant will explain in clear terms what they plan to do and why. If you feel they dodge your questions or don’t provide clear answers, consider other options.

Benefits of hiring a local SEO consultant

We live in a world where online presence is indispensable for any business. But it’s not just about being online, it’s about how you position yourself in that vast space. This is where the local SEO consultant comes in. But what concrete benefits can you expect when you hire one? Let’s find out.

1. Increased visibility in local searches

  • Recognition in your area: A local SEO consultant has the ability to position your business in the first results when someone searches for services or products in your geographic area. It is not the same to be one more in the online world than to be the reference in your locality.
  • Optimization for geolocated searches: With the growing trend of searches such as “near me” or “at [nombre de ciudad]”, having an SEO profile optimized for these queries is essential. Your business will stand out when potential customers search for services in your area.

Increase in quality traffic

  • Attracting the right audience: It’s not just a question of quantity, but of quality. A local SEO consultant makes sure that the people who visit your site or profile are really interested in what you offer.
  • Intentional searches: By optimizing for local searches, you attract an audience that has already shown a specific intent. They’re not just looking for a service, they want it in your area.

Improved local customer conversion

  • Trust and proximity: A potential customer who finds your business by searching locally tends to trust you more. There is a perception of proximity and accessibility that encourages the purchase decision.
  • Personalized experience: With local targeting, you can offer promotions, offers or content specific to the community, which improves the user experience and boosts conversions.
  • Repeat customers: By providing quality service and being easily found in local searches, you not only get a customer, but you increase the chances of them coming back and recommending you.

Hiring a local SEO consultant is a smart investment in today’s digital world. Not only does it position you optimally in the vast online space, but it effectively connects you with your community, those who are just around the corner and looking for exactly what you offer.

Conclusion and next steps

We have navigated together through the exciting world of local SEO, and if there is something clear is that its importance in today’s digital era is unquestionable. In an increasingly competitive online environment, being visible to your target audience is not a luxury, but a necessity.

Summary of the importance of a good local SEO consultant

A local SEO consultant is much more than someone who knows about keywords or links. He is a specialist who understands your environment, your audience and the particularities of your region. With your help:

  • Your business stands out in geolocated searches, ensuring that those who search for you, find you easily.
  • You attract quality traffic, that is, visitors with a clear intention and who are specifically looking for what you offer in your area.
  • You optimize conversion, connecting with your audience in a more direct and personalized way, which translates into more sales and loyalty.

Invitation to action (CTA) for those interested in improving local SEO

If you’ve made it this far and feel that your business still doesn’t shine online as it should, it’s time to take the plunge. Don’t let your competition get ahead of you in the digital game. A local SEO consultant can be the ally you need to consolidate your presence in the online environment and connect with that local audience that is waiting to discover you.

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