Kit Consulting - Our digitization services

What are the Consulting Kit grants?

Kit Consulting is the Spanish Government’s aid program that allows SMEs like yours to design the roadmap for their digital transformation.

What is the support for the Consulting Kit?

This is a Digital Consulting Voucher with an amount to be used in the hiring of consulting services.
The amount varies depending on the size of your company.

Segment A: Between 10 and less than 50 employees -> 12.000 euros
Segment B: Between 50 and less than 100 employees -> 18.000 euros
Segment C: Between 100 and less than 250 employees -> 24.000 euros

To whom is the assistance of the Consulting Kit addressed?

The advisory services provided by the Kit Consulting Program are aimed at small and medium-sized companies with between 10 and less than 250 employees.
This information is available for download by interested parties on the Acelerapyme Portal ( and electronic headquarters (

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Kit Consulting
Our digitalization services

agente digitalizador
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What are the Consulting Kit grants?

Kit Consulting is the Spanish Government’s aid program that allows SMEs like yours to design the roadmap for their digital transformation.

What is the support for the Consulting Kit?

This is a Digital Consulting Voucher with an amount to be used in the hiring of consulting services. The amount varies depending on the size of your company.

Segment A: Between 10 and less than 50 employees -> 12.000 euros
Segment B: Between 50 and less than 100 employees -> 18.000 euros
Segment C: Between 100 and less than 250 employees -> 24.000 euros

To whom is the assistance of the Consulting Kit addressed?

The advisory services provided by the Kit Consulting Program are aimed at small and medium-sized companies with between 10 and less than 250 employees. This information is available for download at the Acelerapyme Portal ( and electronic headquarters (


Artificial Intelligence Advisory Service

At CRONUTS DIGITAL, we offer a specialized consulting service in Artificial Intelligence, designed for companies looking to integrate advanced AI solutions into their operations without necessarily having the technical infrastructure or internal knowledge for its implementation. Our consulting focuses on identifying specific opportunities within your business where AI can bring significant value, such as process automation, customer experience personalization and strategic decision optimization. We guide each client through the process of understanding the AI technologies most relevant to their industry, evaluating potential vendors and technologies, and designing an action plan for strategic AI adoption that aligns with long-term business goals. This service is ideal for companies seeking a digital transformation backed by the power of artificial intelligence, without the need for direct implementation by our team.

Applicable: SEGMENT A, B and C

6.000 €


Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence Advisory Service (Basic)

CRONUTS DIGITAL provides you with a consulting service focused on the fundamentals of data analytics and artificial intelligence, ideal for organizations that are in the initial stages of their data journey. This service includes assessing existing data structures, identifying key data sources and recommending methodologies for effective data collection and analysis. Our goal is to help you establish a solid foundation that will enable your company to start using data to make more informed and strategic decisions. We cover essential aspects such as data cleansing, systems integration and the creation of a framework to support future analysis. Although we do not perform the direct implementation, we provide all the necessary guidelines and support so that you can develop in-house capabilities or collaborate with third parties to implement the recommended solutions. This service is perfect for companies that need to better understand the potential of data and AI to transform their business operations, providing a clear and accessible starting point for future, more advanced data initiatives.

Applicable: SEGMENT A, B and C

6.000 €


Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence Advisory Service (Advanced)

At CRONUTS DIGITAL, our advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence consulting service is designed for companies that already have a solid foundation in data analytics and are looking to take their capabilities to the next level. This service delves into advanced data modeling, machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques to optimize complex processes, predict market trends and improve strategic decision making. We thoroughly evaluate your current systems and analytics processes to identify areas for improvement and offer customized solutions that can include predictive and prescriptive systems integration. We provide you with a detailed plan that includes the selection of advanced technology tools, the necessary training for your team and strategies for scaling AI solutions within your organization, all without compromising direct implementation.

Applicable: SEGMENT A, B and C

6.000 €


Digital Sales Advisory Service

Our digital sales consulting service at CRONUTS DIGITAL focuses on optimizing your digital strategy to maximize online sales performance. Through a thorough analysis of your current sales channels, we identify opportunities for improvement and help implement effective solutions to increase conversion and customer retention. From sales funnel optimization to customized digital marketing strategies, we guide you in implementing techniques and tools that improve customer interaction and ROI. We advise on the best use of CRM platforms, marketing automation and advertising campaign optimization for a more effective and efficient approach to digital sales.

Applicable: SEGMENT A, B and C

6.000 €


Business Processes or Production Processes Advisory Service

CRONUTS DIGITAL offers a specialized consulting service in the optimization of business or production processes. We work with you to identify inefficiencies and bottlenecks in your current operations and design solutions that improve workflow, reduce costs and increase productivity. Using process mapping techniques and analysis tools, we provide strategic recommendations for process automation and the implementation of more efficient management systems. Our consulting is tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that each solution not only aligns with your strategic objectives but also facilitates your company's long-term growth and scalability.

Applicable: SEGMENT A,B and C

6.000 €


Business Strategy and Performance Advisory Service

At CRONUTS DIGITAL, we offer a business strategy and performance consulting service that focuses on aligning corporate goals with effective digital operations. We thoroughly analyze your current business model to identify areas for improvement and opportunities for growth. Our approach includes KPI assessment, competitive analysis, and revenue stream review to optimize overall performance. We provide customized recommendations that may include restructuring operations, implementing new technologies and tactics to improve operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. Our goal is to strengthen your market position and increase profitability by providing a clear plan and concrete actions that will drive your company's sustainable success.

Applicable: SEGMENT A,B and C

6.000 €


Cybersecurity Advisory Service (Basic)

CRONUTS DIGITAL offers a basic cybersecurity consulting service designed to establish and strengthen the foundations of IT security in your company. This service includes the assessment of current security practices, the identification of vulnerabilities and the implementation of essential protection measures. We help you understand and apply the security policies necessary to protect your data and systems from initial threats, including the configuration of firewalls, antivirus and basic authentication systems. This service is aimed at ensuring that your business meets minimum security standards and is prepared to defend against common attacks.

Applicable: SEGMENT A, B and C

6.000 €


Cybersecurity Advisory Service (Advanced)

Our advanced cybersecurity consulting service at CRONUTS DIGITAL focuses on providing sophisticated and customized solutions to protect companies with more complex security needs. This level of consulting includes the implementation of cutting-edge security technologies, penetration testing to simulate cyber attacks and the creation of incident response strategies. We take an in-depth look at your technology infrastructures to develop a robust plan that handles security at multiple layers, from endpoint protection to cloud security and advanced cryptography. This service is designed for businesses that require a high level of protection and continuous vigilance to safeguard critical information.

Applicable: SEGMENT A, B and C

6.000 €


Cybersecurity Advisory Service (Preparation for Certification)

CRONUTS DIGITAL also offers a specialized service in preparation for cybersecurity certifications. This advice is aimed at companies that wish to validate their security systems through internationally recognized standards such as ISO 27001, GDPR, or SOC 2. We prepare your company for the certification audit by reviewing and improving all aspects of your IT security. The service includes adapting your security policies and processes to meet the specific requirements of the desired certification, staff training, and implementation of information security management systems (ISMS). This approach ensures not only compliance and continuous security improvement but also external recognition of your security practices.

Applicable: SEGMENT A, B and C

6.000 €


360º Digital Transformation Advisory Service

CRONUTS DIGITAL's '360' Digital Transformation advisory service is designed to offer a comprehensive consultancy that covers all aspects of your company's digitalization. This comprehensive service addresses everything from technological infrastructure to organizational culture, including customer interaction and internal process optimization. We evaluate how digital technology can be leveraged to transform every segment of your business, identifying solutions that maximize efficiency and foster innovation. We help you develop a digital strategy that not only adapts to current trends but also prepares your organization for future changes. We include systems integration planning, training your team, and implementing change management practices to ensure a smooth and effective transition to a more digital and connected operation.

Applicable: SEGMENT A, B and C

6.000 €

¿En qué te podemos ayudar?

Si necesitas especialistas para desarrollar o mejorar tu negocio digital, podemos ayudarte. Rellena el formulario y te responderemos en menos de 24h.

How can we help you?

If you need specialists to develop or improve your digital business, we can help you. Fill out the form and we will respond within 24 hours.