
Designing in the metaverse

Diseñar en el metaverso
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Designing in the metaverse and earning money is possible, we explain how

Talking about the metaverse or metaverses is the order of the day. We hear how large companies such as Facebook or Microsoft are devoting more and more resources to the development of their metaverse. We also know of other decentralized metaverses such as Sandbox, Decentraland and even Roblox. Additionally, we see brands such as Nike, Adidas, Ralph Lauren or even Gucci are present through, clothing for the avatars or even entire plots trying to simulate stores or leisure spaces.

But this raises the question: can only big brands have a presence in the metaverse? Can I design in the metaverse(s)? What programs or platforms are available for designing in the metaverse? What can I design in the metaverse? And finally, can I sell what I have created?

If you are thinking about learning more about generating assets in the metaverse that can be sold, don’t miss this article about programs or platforms to design in the metaverse. And if you would like to invest in the metaverse, find out how to do it in our blog entry.


How does it work? What are the mechanics?

In general, the mechanics are simple. You create the object, avatar or game in the metaverse through the design program of the platform in question. You upload it to your wallet and if you want to sell it you put a price in the currency of this metaverse that can be exchanged for real money.

And now we wonder… Do people really show interest in acquiring these types of objects, clothing, avatars or playing these games? The answer is a resounding yes.

Zepeto, the Asian centralized metaverse that allows you to create and dress your own avatar has already sold 1,600 digital fashion items

A clear example is Monica Louise, a young digital clothing designer who has reached a six-figure salary thanks to selling clothing and accessories for avatars in the Asian metaverse Zepeto .

In fact the dress tops and other items that Louise sells are sold with the metaverse’s own currency called zems, which interested users buy for real money. The creators receive approximately $106 for each sale of 5,000 zems.

In Zepepto you can create anything from fashion pieces and accessories to entire worlds for other users to explore and play with.

Zepeto metaversezepepto capabilities

To try to give some context, Zepeto:

  • It has approximately 250 million users
  • An average of 2 million active users
  • Mostly Asian audience
  • With 70% of women
  • And the average age is 15-25 years old.

In Zepeto avatars have to wear clothes, some of them are free, others can be purchased for gems exchangeable for money. According to Business Insider Zepeto has sold 1.6 billion fashion items.

What’s more, we see companies like Ralph Lauren and Zara that make their products more accessible in the digital world. We can now buy a pair of Zara glasses for our avatar for (7 gems = 49 cts.).

Ralph lauren

Zara zepeto

Thinking about it, it is very interesting how brands of this caliber have a presence in these worlds. In the end, they try to be accessible and in this way be present for the new generations. “There are clothes I can’t afford in the real world, but in the digital world I can buy them all. I think that’s a huge factor why I’m very attracted to this.” Said one of the players.

Another example is the collaboration of Zepeto with Toy Story, which was intended to go a little further. They set up a space within the platform that through a simple game of shooting you could get objects of the firm such as clothing and decorative items.

Toy Story Zepeto
Toy Story Zepeto


We move on to Decentraland, where according to them you can “create, explore and trade in the first virtual world owned by its users”.

Basically, it is a virtual platform where you will be able to buy spaces to build on them, organize events and other actions. When you buy a Land, you own the content or what happens in that territory. To do so, you can purchase goods or create them to have unique experiences.

How can I create/design in Decentraland?

As always, you have your own environment in which:

  • Starting from the basics, you can create objects, art for your plots
  • You can also create plots or subplots to put in your Land and sell it to other users.
  • You can even rent your plots as if it were a real apartment.
  • And even create events for users to visit your plots, in exchange for an entrance fee, where for example auctions can be held.


And speaking of events… Which brands have a presence in this metaverse?

The company UNDX (luxury marketplace) is organizing for March 24 and 27 the first fashion week. Brands such as Balenciaga, Ralph Lauren, Gucci and Dolce & Gabbana have already confirmed their presence. The idea is to show and sell their pieces.

UNXD has already worked with Dolce & Gabbana in the past, for the launch of the NFT collection called Collezueone Genesi, specifically in September. This launch sale reached US$5.6 million.

In fact, Decentraland has asked designers, brands and fashion lovers to have their virtual collections ready to present in the metaverse. It is normal then that there is a consumer hype in fashion due to this event. Why not put your latest designs on sale and take advantage of this opportunity?

Finally, and this has been breaking news: it has been confirmed that Decentraland joins the blender development site (multiplatform software dedicated to 3D modeling). This makes Decentraland the first native project to sponsor this development fund.

Blender Decentraland

We switched to Sandbox… the all-in-one for metaverse designers.

This metaverse offers a wide range of highly monetizable design services, you will be able to:

  • Create and animate your own NFTs by downloading their program, Vox. Edit and sell them in your own Sanbox marketplace.

Vox edit NFT

Vox model


  • You will also be able to create and customize your Avatar, upgrade your equipment and get ready to play with your friends in The Sandbox metaverse.

Create avatar

  • Finally, you’ll be able to create video games through Game Maker. You can do this without programming skills. Here the famous Play to Earn applies, i.e. the more users play, the more coins or cryptocurrencies of the metaverse itself you will obtain and these can be exchanged for real money.

Sanbox game

Designing in the metaverse, in a nutshell

If you are a designer of any kind, you need to be aware of how your profession could be replicated in this world, as we have seen that there are endless possibilities. In fact, as we have already mentioned, the metaverse is generating a lot of money with the sale of digital clothing. But not only that, we also see how we can create unforgettable experiences either through exposing our NFT or providing fun through the creation of video games with almost no need for programming. In fact, it is said that by 2025 we will be able to perform up to 50% of our usual tasks in the metaverse. Whether it’s working, going to a concert or shopping among others. Taking into account all of the above, designers, do not miss this opportunity.

Large firms of all types will be looking for profiles that help replicate the products or services they offer today in the regular world. Contact us for more information!

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