

Thinking about improving your LinkedIn presence?

As an agency specialized in LinkedIn, we focus on getting to know your business and your potential customer in order to determine
what type of content you may be interested in.
We focus on networking within the platform, on adding value,
and in this way have you present when the need arises.

LinkedIn experts

Thousands of people consult the resources we write for more efficient and quality advertising. Our goal is to network
at adigital level. We add value, we activate different influence biases so that your company is the most present at the time of making the purchase decision. We refuse to spam potential customers with direct messages, or use pointless automations.

We are part of your team


We act as a LinkedIn consultant that accompanies theprocess of content generation and distribution within the platform, through organic or paid methods.

We put special focus on the marketing team to understand what type of content understand what type of content your potential customer is looking for within the platform, with an emphasis on contextualization.

In addition, before we start, we set brand objectives that we monitor through our monthly reporting. monthly reporting, which has the ability to integrate different data sources such as Facebook, Google and LinkedIn, among others.

1. Definition of the content strategy, organic or paid media and timetable.

We make a study of your potential customer to determine how we can impact them within the platform.

LinkedIn is a social network where users are open to networking. How is it done? We define networking as providing value to someone so that they feel indebted to you, and think of you when they can return the favor. We constantly seek to activate the reciprocity bias with your potential customer. In this way he will feel that he owes you and he will feel that he owes you something.

There are many ways to trigger this bias, either through organic posts on a personal profile, direct messages, sponsored content or sponsored direct messages, among others.

Depending on budget restrictions and the dedication that the team can devote to it, we will opt for one option or another, seeking to maximize the impact and have entire departments act as brand ambassadors.

  • Identify the objectives y KPIs for each of the campaigns campaignsawareness, traffic and conversions.
  • Establish a budget for the payment actions to be carried out.
  • Consensus and guide the content team on advertising formats through several Design Thinking sessions.
  • Establish the advertising and organic formats for each campaign.
  • Establish a system of incentives for employees to collaborate with Linkedin actions.

2. Distribution

We activate the formats with the highest return.

Once we have defined the content strategy and its timing, we start the next phase. Now is the time to think about, prepare and launch all campaigns . To do so, we follow the next steps:

  • We set up the advertising account in the client’s name: payment method, tax information… so you can see exactly where you are investing your money.
  • Preparation and launch of the different campaigns, both paid and organic.
  • We prepare of the ads tage URLs and corresponding copies .


Definition of KPIs and customized dashboards

As Digital Partners we only win if you see results.
This way you will stay with us for a long time. That is why we consider it very important to measure the impact of all our actions. Therefore, we report monthly results based on the objectives and KPIs defined in the first phase. The objectives of the reporting phase are:

  • Establish a scorecard that captures the defined KPIs VS the established objective.
  • Obtaining monthly monthly results together with insights and learnings of the month to improve account performance.
  • Obtain the ranking of the ads with the best performance. Propose improvements and redeploy to improve results.


medidata-white agencia linkedin


We grow with you

Our intention is that you bet more and more on the platforms we manage, which is why we share the risk with you by charging a percentage of the advertising investment.

Our prices

Percentage of gross investment allocated to the platform

12% of advertising investment

Tailor-made budget organic actions

and much more...

¿Do you need a
digital partner?

Achieve everything you set out to achieve through the digital channel.


What else can we
do for you?

¿En qué te podemos ayudar?

Si necesitas especialistas para desarrollar o mejorar tu negocio digital, podemos ayudarte. Rellena el formulario y te responderemos en menos de 24h.

How can we help you?

If you need specialists to develop or improve your digital business, we can help you. Fill out the form and we will respond within 24 hours.