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Inbound marketing

inbound marketing CROnuts
Inbound marketing is a technique that aims to provide value to the potential customer usually through content, in order to publicize a brand, product or service.
An example of inbound marketing is any company’s content blog. In the case of an office of a business agency, a good example of inbound marketing would be to make an entry in the content blog with the steps that companies must follow when requesting the government aid granted by the covid-19.

Why is Inbound Marketing fashionable?

We live in a world of information abundance and lack of attention, and the pace of information creation is accelerating and will continue to accelerate more and more. According to IBM, we now create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day, so much so that 90% of the data in today’s world has been created in the last two years alone. Today’s buyers have more power. The digital ecosystem provides them with instant information. They can access detailed specifications, pricing, and product and service reviews, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in just a few clicks. This is due in part to the widespread use of mobile phones. Inbound Marketing is so powerful because responding to the consumer who is looking for information about a certain product or service gives a lot of authority to the brand that has generated such information with respect to its competitors.

The consumer decides when

Historically brands have focused on advertising in a unidirectional way, that is, targeting the consumer, more or less intrusively. Inbound marketing has been a revolution in marketing because this direction has changed. Now the consumer decides when he or she is willing to receive advertising about a certain product or service. This usually occurs when the user searches for information about it.

Ways of inbound marketing

Inbound marketing is mostly known to people as blog posts for content, but there are many other forms of inbound marketing. Some examples include: SEO Position your products or services in search engines in an organic way so that when the user searches for them they will find you. Blogging Within this typology, we could find content blogs accompanied by videos or video blogs. Podcasting The broadcast through different platforms such as Spotify or Ivoox, which a user can download from the internet through a previous subscription that can be free and listen to it after its recording. Social Networks In the form of user communities that have shared interests and brands, such as Facebook groups or YouTube channels. Events Events can be face-to-face, such as concerts, but can also be online, such as informational seminars. Downloadable In the case of downloadable content, it should generally be free (like our ebook on CRO) Free Courses 
Courses on a specific subject, in a video or written format.

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