a b testing
To refresh your memory - or introduce the concept - I will explain what the A / B tests consist of, as well as their importance. We will then take a look at an A/B test in action that will inspire you to start testing your own website and marketing initiatives.


An A/B test is a marketing testing method used to develop and launch two or more variations of the same item in order to measure which one works best. These types of tests help us optimize Paid Media campaigns, email marketing strategies and even improve the effectiveness of landing pages.


Again, an A/B test is a marketing testing method used to develop and launch two or more versions of the same item in order to measure which one works best. A company wants to optimize its Homepage in order to generate more clicks on its products and increase conversions. They started with the original home page, which had a stock-style image with an overlay headline. The company then changed the stock image for its own image that showcased visitors the advantages offered by its products. Version “B”, or their own image, resulted in a 550 percent conversion rate increase. Before starting the A / B test, a data-based hypothesis was made. The company used Heatmaps and Scrollmaps to identify that the image was one of the busiest areas for visitors. They then used that information to hypothesize that a makeover could lead to more conversions.  

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