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In this post we explain gamification, a marketing technique that introduces the dynamics of games and contests as part of the promotion.

What is Gamification?

Gamification is a marketing technique that is based on adding game mechanics in non-game related environments, such as a website, an online community, a learning management system or a business intending to increase participation. The goal of gamification is to engage with consumers, employees, and partners to inspire them to collaborate, share, and interact.

How Does Gamification Work?

Gamification works by providing proactive directives to the audience through game mechanics and dynamics added to online platforms that lead to the achievement of business goals and objectives. A compelling gamification experience harnesses participants’ emotions and easily demonstrates the best activities that an audience can complete in order to have an impact on mutually shared goals. As employees or customers interact with a gamification program, they receive immediate feedback on performance and the next guided steps towards new achievements.

What is the Commercial Value of Gamification?

Gamification – at its core – is about driving engagement to influence business results. When people participate and commit to gamification, they learn the best way to interact with your business, your products, your services, and your brand. The commercial value of the gamification does not end with the participant. Engagement with game mechanics provides insights that can help influence marketing campaigns, platform utilization, and performance goals. Each interaction with employees or customers gives a better idea of where the participant spends time and what activities spark their interest.  

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